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Soldiers From
Dover, New Hampshire
Who Were Killed or Died in Service
During the Civil War

Transcribed by: Matthew Tooley

The following is a list of soldiers from Dover who were killed or died in service during the Civil War aka War for the Rebellion.

This is the corrected list for the soldiers, monument of those who were killed or died in the service during the Rebellion.

A Soldiers' monument was erected in the Pine Hill burying-ground by Charles W. Sawyer Post, G. A. R., and dedicated September 17, 1877. Benjamin F. Prescott, Governor of the State, made the opening address, and the oration given by Rev. Alonzo H. Quint, D. D., former chaplain of the Second Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. S. H. Foye, mayor, was president of the day.

Abbott, Orrin S.
Abbott, Philbrick R.
Babb, Henry
Ball, Joseph H.
Bateman, William
Bennett, George P.
Berry, Charles A.
Blaisdell, David L.
Brooks, William H.
Brown, Charles H.
Brown, James M.
Brown, Nathaniel
Bryant, Perley B.
Bunce, Eli
Buzzell, A. J. H.
Carney, Martin
Carpenter, Samuel
Carrill, Edward
Carter, Charles A.
Chadwick, Charles E.
Chase, Algernon F.
Cole, Jeremiah
Conway, Thomas
Cook, Benjamin F.
Cotter, James
Cousins, Charles E.
Davis, William H.
DeCater, William
Dennis, Joseph V.
Drew, Andrew T.
Drew, John S.
Drew, Joseph
Emerson, Henry H.
Emery, George W.
Faxon, George K.
Fisher, John C.
Fitzgerald, John J.
Flanders, Charles H.
Foss, David H.
Franklin, James W.
Frye, Augustus
Frye, Charles A.
Gage, George F.
Glidden, Benjamin F.
Gray, Joshua B.
Greene, Willis
Hackett, William H.
Hanscom, Oliver P.
Hanson, Benjamin
Hanson, William E.
Harding, John F.
Hartford, Joseph L.
Hawkins, John D.
Hawkins, William H.
Hayes, David C.
Heath, George W.
Henderson, Thomas A.
Hobbs, Nathaniel P.
Holt, Benjamin F.
Horne, Gustavus P.
Kelley, Moses R.
Kimball, Charles B.
Knott, James
Knox, Charles A.
McDate, Patrick
McDate, Joseph
McDule, Hugh
McKenna, James
McKone, James
McKone, Michael
Merrill, John, Jr.
Otis, William
Patterson, John H.
Paul, George W.
Perkins, Daniel L.
Perkins, James
Pinkham, John S.
Pinkham, William W.
Place, James G. K.
Place, John H.
Printy, Edward
Quimby, Joseph C.
Rand, John T.
Roberts, Charles P.
Roberts, George W.
Roberts, John
Rogers, Charles F.
Robinson, William A.
Rothwell, Eleazer
Rowe, Stephen
Sawyer, Charles W.
Seavey, Charles H.
Shaw, Wilham
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Charles Herbert
Smith, John H.
Snell, Albert F.
Snell, William H.
Steele, George H.
Swain, Truman C.
Thompson, Samuel
Tompkins, Charles R.
Webster, Samuel
Wallace, Sylvester B.
Welch, John
Wentworth, George G.
Whitehouse, Alfred
Whyte, Andrew
Willey, George W.
York, George
York, Josiah

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